Nigeria, a giant stingray found in the waters of the South Altantik. 9 meter long stingray was accidentally exposed to anchor the ship and die.
When about to anchor anchor on Bonny Island, Nigeria, a number of the crew belonging to an oil refinery struck by the giant creature. It seems that the fish is being 'rested' on the sea floor before being hit by boat anchors.
Similarly, as reported by the Daily Mail, Sunday (18/03/2012).
After finding a stingray weighing 1 ton of this, the crew photographed with the fish. But unfortunately, they then sell to the local fishermen at a price of 5000 Naira, or about USD 288 830.
Though known to giant stingrays are very useful for the study.
Giants such as stingrays can be found in temperate waters. This giant fish eat plankton toxic and does not have a tail like a smaller type.
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