

Senin, 19 Maret 2012

Game can Make Money from The Curious

The gaming industry in Indonesia is a new growing and not enough known by the people. But it knows the great potential of this industry, many people are wondering how to get money from the game.

Apparently, how to get revenue from gaming is the most frequently asked questions. This was revealed in the show 'Game Developer Open-aperture (thump), DOC, Agate Studio' which was held in Bandung Indah Plaza (BIP).

"Most of the question how to get money from the game," said Yunita Anggraeni, Public Relations Manager Agate Studio when talking with detikINET.

Anggra, so Yunita Anggrae familiarly called, explained that to make money in the game depends on the business model itself.

"It depends on the business model. There is a free game but has a level unlock version in it. Or make a game that can be sponsored. Can be engaged in advertising or in cooperation with content providers. But it can also create your own games diterbitka in mobile market is already available , "he explained.

In addition to seeking money from the game flow, continued Anggra, the question of how to make the game pretty well frequently asked questions.

'Thud' itself is a community for learning, sharing knowledge and experience in making games together. At the forum anyone can ask and learn together about the game and industry. Starting from the basic to advanced.

"The gaming industry in Indonesia was just emerging and not yet well known by the public. Therefore, Agate Studio holding community events, thump 'Game Developer Open-aperture' at the mall. We tried to approach the community through various activities and decorations are cute and educative , "he said.

Source: www.detik.com

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